Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fighting many Americans' Indifference

I asked some of my Twitter friends to read my blog posts,
and to do something – anything, however small -- in order to help defend American freedom and way of life. There were many positive responses, and I thank them in behalf of the free world. But there were some who replied via Twitter, who said:

1) Well, I am really not into politics.

2) Or, I am too occupied doing the things that I enjoy.

3) Nice analysis, but I don’t see it the way you see it.

4) I don’t take sides. I am happy with the way things are.

My take on this is, such statements are mere reflections of what I have said in my post, The American Dream. A large number of Americans are still too stuck in their comfort zones and addictions to entertainment and pleasure seeking, that they are unable to get out of their indifference to what is being done to our Constitution, our mainstream media, our economy, our democracy, etc.

They are just too immersed in their own individual little worlds. But what they don’t realize is that their comforts, their recreational worlds, their leisure activities, will not be there if Obama succeeds in implementing his secret agenda and plans.

I wanted to continue writing about my Conspiracy theory, where, by connecting the dots about Obama’s Muslim faith, his upbringing, his connections to leftists, and to conscienceless businessmen, we will hopefully be able to shed just enough light on this big puzzle, and get more people to take the necessary actions.

On this note, I am not making any claim that I know exactly what the conspiracy is. All I can do is to present some verified and not-so-verified facts. For by nature, a conspiracy is filled with a lot of complexities and intended divisionary tactics. And with the magnitude of this kind of conspiracy, where a nobody, who comes with a very questionable background and very thin experience, is suddenly catapulted to the highest position in the world, it will take years and a gigantic and ultra expensive effort to peal away the layers and layers of seemingly unrelated information, to finally unravel the truth.

However, America does not have the luxury of time. The issues surrounding the Obama “Presidency” needs to be resolved and resisted fast before Obama is able to consolidate his power bases.

Considering the indifference of still one too many, I have decided to change tactics. I have decided to make my presentations in a much more vivid, albeit indirect, way.

So indifferent, so absorbed in their myopic world, that they don't see what's coming at them.

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