Monday, March 2, 2009

Americans, Let's Hit Obama Where He Will Hurt

N.B. Ever since I started writing posts against Obama, I have been encountering problems in Posting and Editing. I don't know if BLOGGER.COM is responsible for it. But it does seem so. MY EDITING TOOLS are gone, so I can't make any link, nor resize, nor bolden, nor underline, nor change colors, etc. So please bear with the inconvenience.

So much has already been written about the fact that Obama’s Stimulus plan is not really meant to stimulate the economy. Instead, the money will be used to fund Obama’s agenda, which run the gamut from socialism, fascism, Islamisation of America, the killing of babies, etc., all intended to destroy the free America as we know it.

And I applaud all the bloggers and the (non-mainstream) newspapers that have been doing the gallant effort of opposing Obama’s agenda, as it is arrogantly and deceptively being implemented.

Without trying to diminish the importance of opposing Obama’s highly radical, leftist, and Islamic moves, don’t you thing that we, bloggers, might have been barking, a little too much, at the wrong tree?

We have been barking on the symptoms, but not at the root cause, which is, that America has a Kenyan-British-Indonesian-American “sitting” as President – and he happens to hate America probably as much as Osama Bin Laden does (?).

The eligibility requirement is so easy to comply with. When John McCain ( )was asked to prove his natural born citizenship, he showed all the required records without the slightest hesitation. End of allegations.

Obama, on the contrary has resorted to cover ups, court cases, threats aimed at the lawyers who are questioning ( and heavy-handed tactics to suppress media coverage ( ) of the questions regarding his eligibility. OBAMA HAS EVEN ORDERED THAT HIS BIRTH AND SCHOOL RECORDS BE KEPT FROM THE PUBLIC. Such surprisingly illogical and expensive (taxpayer money) moves have already proven beyond doubt that he, in fact, is really not a natural born citizen.

A con-man has only so much time to work with before he is discovered. Aware of this, Obama has been moving as fast as he possibly can to be able to consolidate his power bases, in order to make himself untouchable. He might even be laughing at the fact that we, the bloggers, have our attention in the wrong direction. Don’t feel bad about it for it is part of a Master Con-man’s diversionary tactics.

While the rest of the unconcerned public are busy with their individual pursuits, and while we were busy barking at the wrong tree,

Consider what Obama has already managed to accomplish:

1) With his (unlawful) discretion as to who can get pork funds and how much, Obama has the (greedy) Senators and Congressmen by the neck.

2) He has big business kissing his ass, all begging for bailout money (most of them not really needing a bail-out, but are just trying to enrich themselves even more).

3) He has already succeeded in silencing the money and power hungry members of Mainstream Media, by appointing many of their notables to his government ( ). Now we know that MSM’s impartiality is actually a mere illusion.

4) Even when he was still a Presidential candidate, Obama has already arrogantly defied the U.S. Supreme Court by ignoring its order. ( )

And the courts have shown complacence by dismissing non-eligibility cases on mere technical grounds, not on the real merits of the case. The Supreme Court’s sitting on this most important Constitutional issue, for almost half a year now, shows that they might have already been bought into silence too. Traitors in robes!!

Obama's obvious next move will be, by far, the most dangerous (to America), if he succeeds.

Obama is now moving towards buying the military’s loyalty by increasing their salaries and benefits. He has visited the troops and made the same sweet sounding speeches that fooled Americans into voting for him. If he gets the military on his side, it will be the end of civilized opposition. We might just have to resort to another Civil War.

How we SHOULD negate his accomplishments and counter his next move

Don’t you think that we should refocus our efforts at getting more people involved in fighting Obama where he is weakest, the eligibility issue?

I am not suggesting that every blogger should concentrate on the eligibility issue. Obama's moves still have to be exposed to prove that he does not mean well to America. BUT IT WOULD HELP A LOT IF, IN EVERY POST, EVERY BLOGGER INCLUDES A CALL TO RALLY THE PEOPLE TO DEMAND FOR HIS ELIGIBILITY PROOFS.

This way, we can get the doubters to take action, and get the non-doubters to examine why they are convinced that Obama is eligible, inspite of the fact that they have absolutely no basis for such a belief.

To date, it has only been a handful of lawyers (one of whom is even a Russian immigrant), a few bloggers, 2 active military men (who want to make sure that the commands they are getting indirectly or directly from the Oval Office, are constitutionally legitimate), and a little over 300,000 Americans, who are hitting Obama where is he is most vulnerable.

The 300,000 Americans mentioned are the ones who have signed the Petition for Public Release of Barack Hussein Obama’s Birth Certificate.

Only 300,000? That is only ONE-TENTH OF ONE PERCENT, or .001 of the American population. Have the rest of the Americans become so weakened by their mindless pursuits of money and pleasure, that they think that some body else should do their fighting for them? Don’t they have an ounce of self control left to suspend their self-serving activities and help turn the tide against Obama?

There are so many things they can do.

1) They can SIGN THE PETITION that is available on line.

2) They can email the Petition to their friends and family members.

3) They can Bookmark the Petition in all their social networking sites.

4) They can unite and start pressuring their elected representatives and the courts to get off their fat asses and bank accounts, and start upholding the Constitution.

5) They can boycott the Obama-backing companies and the Mainstream Media ( in this struggle, people have to sacrifice their entertainment, like watching their favorite shows), until monetary considerations will make these entities serve the public interests again.

To the ones who are confident, (even without seeing any evidence), that Obama is eligible, what harm will it do, if you just join in asking for pieces of paper that will settle this issue once and for all? This issue has been dividing Americans, unnecessarily, at a time when we should get our acts together.

By joining the petition, you would have exercised your right to know ( which at this point you really don’t know for sure). And as a big bonus, you stand to gain the chance of being able to laugh at the people who have doubted Obama’s eligibility if Obama is able to prove beyond even the slightest doubt, that is natural born.

The words of exhortation from John Quincy Adams, call out to us from the past:

"Posterity -- you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it."

View this video, look at the images, THINK OF HOW MUCH WE HAVE TAKEN OUR FREEDOMS FOR GRANTED. And then think of how you can contribute to this fight to regain our freedom from this American-hater and deceiver sitting illegitimately in the Oval Office.

1 comment:

Lisa Graas said...

Hi, I have experienced problems with Blogger before but it has worked itself out in time. It *could* be a browser issue. Have you tried using a different browser?

On the issue of Obama's birth certificate, I will be working today to post a response. I will let you know when it's up. I promise to be respectful and give a link back although I will be taking issue with you a bit.......but again, respectfully so. Thanks for the very long piece on this, btw. A lot of people DO share this view and it IS a very important subject that too many are now ignoring. Thanks.