Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Only Real Meaning of Christmas

We humans are perfectly capable of knowing how to indulge ourselves, in so many ways. No one has to teach us how to think only of how to adorn ourselves and our loved ones, and how to eat the best food possible, and how to seek after pleasures of all kinds.

However, since God wants to show us how He truly wants us to live, then He made the mind-blowing sacrifice of leaving the perfect comforts in His Heavenly Kingdom. He became a human being, experiencing all the imperfections of the human condition, just so that He can reveal to us truths that we can never discover by our own efforts.

We are about to celebrate His coming as a poor baby, who had to sleep in a manger, or a feeding container of farm animals. He taught us that, although it is our life, our lives should not only be about us. He revealed to us that the highest form of living, is a life of giving and loving. That’s why He commanded us to love our fellow human beings, AS MUCH AS, we love ourselves.

So since we don’t like to be lonely, we must also give time and attention to the ones who are lonely and even alone.

Since we want to be wearing nice looking clothes, at least, we should give some to those who have only rags to wear.

Since we don’t like being hungry, then let’s give food to those have barely anything to eat.

The list can go on, but the idea is, since we don’t like to be needy in any way, then let’s share our blessings with the ones who are actually needy, whether physically, emotionally, or psychologically.

Self giving love is the only real message and meaning of Christmas.

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