A man who does something wrong, but does not know that it's wrong, is still a dangerous man. But infinitely more dangerous is the man who knows fully what is right, and yet still chooses to do what is wrong.
So why is Barack Obama a very dangerous man?
1) He does not have any second thoughts about deliberately deceiving people.
In and interview with Newsweek, on his election campaign plane, Obama said, " Arriving at the foot of the cross" .... he "felt God's spirit beckoning me". "I submitted myself to His will, and dedicated myself to discovering His truth."
If he has dedicated himself to truth, why did the Obama campaign and its allies have adopt an extensive "messaging strategy" that seeked to persuade religiously committed Americans that Obama has a middle-of- the-road position on abortion policy, and will promote "abortion reduction." The "messaging strategy" was intended to deflect attention away from Obama's 100% pro-abortion voting record, and from his extensive commitments to pro-abortion interest groups.
Did he really believe that American voters were that naive and ignorant about what he really stood for? What a shamelessly deceptive way to try to get votes. So much for Obama's claim to his total adherence to truth.
2) Obama says something, and does exactly the opposite of what he said, if it is to his advantage.
a) Obama claims that one of his Biblical guidelines when making important decisions is Matthew 25: "Whatever you do unto the least of My brethren, you do unto Me." He claims to also abide by the Golden Rule: "Do not do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you."
b) In the same pre-election campaign interview, Obama says, "It's hard for me to imagine being true to my faith—and not thinking beyond myself, and not thinking about what's good for other people, and not acting in a moral and ethical way,".
If Obama really lives according to the above guidelines, why is he so pro-abortion? Abortion is intrinsically immoral. It is not good for the babies being aborted (to say the least). Nor is it good for the mothers who have abortions. There are literally millions of testimonies, in the Internet, of women who have suffered emotionally, psychologically, and even physically, for years after they had their babies aborted. Nightmares, low self-esteem, suicidal tendencies, inability to bear children, and even breast cancer are some of the after effects of getting an abortion. Many recounted damaged relationships with spouses, parents, and even their children. Too many felt alone, ashamed, and unable to forgive themselves.
One might argue that Obama is not fully convinced that the fetus in the womb is already a human being.
Well, Obama claims that after having become a Christian, for almost 20 years now, he tries to find time to reading his Bible in the evenings. He must have, by now, read Chapter 1 of Luke , where it is implied that the Son of God, became a human being at Mary's "Yes". That's why a few days after, Elizabeth, inspired by the Holy Spirit, addressed Mary as Mother of our Lord. How can Mary, or any other pregnant woman, be called "mother", if they don't have a human being in their womb?
If the Divinely inspired Holy Scriptures is not good enough proof for him, he can always read the thousands of scientific testimonies of renowned doctors and scientists who unanimously agree that human life begins at conception. Or he can view any of the videos of 8-week old babies in the womb, fending off the invasive abortion instruments that are killing them. These are all readily available in the Internet. Even pro-abortionists concede that 8-week old fetuses (babies) can already feel pain.
But I am convinced Obama has already looked all of these materials. For if he has not done any research on an issue that is so important, then that makes him a fool, and a dangerous fool at that. If he has the habit of taking stands on issues without studying them first, then he will be a dangerous President to have.
If all evidences, from the Holy Bible, and from the scientific and medical communities, point to the fact that the human life really begins at conception, why is Obama still pro-abortion? My educated guess is, pro-abortion proponents give huge amounts in campaign donations, while anti-abortion proponents rely on moral persuasion and refrain from giving bribe money. So Obama silenced his conscience and went where the big money is.
c) If he truly lives by his faith's teachings on the need to do good for others, acting in a moral and ethical way, and abides by the Golden Rule, why has he, as a Senator, co-sponsored FOCA? And why was he so clear in his declaring that one of the first things he would do as President, is to sign FOCA or the Freedom of Choice Act? FOCA is a bill in Congress which, if enacted, would abolish all existing laws, whether at the State or Federal level, that restrict and limit the “right” of American women to have an abortion. FOCA is intended to do the following:
- Render useless all existing bans on partial birth abortions (where the baby is removed all the way to the head, and the head is stabbed and the brain sucked out). Sorry if that was too offensive for you.
- Remove the requirements that women be informed about the personal risks they are taking in getting an abortion.
- Disallow the giving of information regarding possible alternatives to abortion.
- Remove the rights of the parents to be informed about and give consent or disapproval to a minor daughter’s abortion.
- Abolish the law which prohibits government funding for abortion on demand. In other words, Obama will be using baby-loving taxpayers' money to fund his baby-killing agenda.
For me, FOCA is the one bill that has finally shown that “Pro-choice” is really just a grandiose euphemism. It shows that the "pro-choice" proponents are not really interested in giving the women a choice. With the above mentioned FOCA provisions, how can a woman, contemplating an abortion, possibly make an intelligent and well informed choice?
The bill shows very clearly that the abortion proponents urgently want the contemplated abortion to proceed without any kind of hindrance, whatsoever.
While he repeatedly branded McCain as a war monger, Obama is bent on declaring a total, no-holds-barred war on the most innocent and most defenseless of all human beings, the unborn child. Since 1973, the year of the infamous SC decision on Roe vs. Wade, the National Right to Life Committee and Human Life International has placed the total performed abortions at over 1.44 Billion
It is so illogical for Obama to promise to continue to fight and put and end to terrorism, for it harms and even kills innocent civilians, while deciding to become the leader of the worst kind of terrorism, which has the most innocent and defenseless babies as the primary target.
3) Obama is all about selfish personal gain.
In the same Newsweek interview, Obama described his long and arduous journey to find God.
He claimed to have lived an ascetic existence, did a lot of fasting, did a lot of spiritual exploration, and withdrew from the world in a fairly deliberate way. He read a lot of books by notable authors of different beliefs. He was exposed to all of the major religions, physically (that is, he attended their worship services) and mentally (through readings of other very notable writers, and having spiritual mentors and directors).Finally, after more than 10 years of searching, he discovered Jesus Christ and became Christian in the early 1990's. That was almost 20 years ago. So, while speaking "often and eloquently about the importance of religion in public life," why did he deliberately refrain from revealing his religion during the campaign?
Obama was obviously more worried about offending potential campaign supporters, than offending God who has made the Love of God as His greatest commandment. How can you now trust a guy who will put the love of political success above anything else? Doesn't he sound like just another run-of-the mill politician to you? And to think that his main campaign slogan and promise was "Change". HA!
I’m a big fan of G.K.Chesterton. And it’s not hard to admire his best friend, Hilaire Belloc, who decided to run for the British Parliament in the early 1900’s. Inspite of the fact that Britain was a predominantly Anglican nation, Belloc declared, “Gentlemen, I am a Catholic. As far as possible, I go to Mass every day. This is a rosary. As far as possible, I kneel down and pray these beads every day. If you reject me on account of my religion, I shall thank God that he has spared me the indignity of being your representative.” Now, that’s what I call a real man!
4) As early as now, Obama has shown that his promise, and therefore, mandate of bringing meaningful "Change" to government, was just a mere slogan to get himself elected as President.
Allow me to quote Mary Anne Berkery of Brooklyn, in her letter to the New York Times' editors, dated Nov. 23.
"The reason why most Americans supported an unknown, untested, thinly experienced Barack Obama as president was that they were desperate for real change. His unequivocal mandate was to bring real change. Instead we watch as he appoints person after person from the Clinton political machine, creating a virtual third Clinton presidency -- the very re-creations many of us had worked hard to prevent."
"Instead of taking the mantle of Franklin D. Roosevelt, he has taken the mantle of Bill Clinton. It's more than disappointing. It's dishonest."
Couldn't have said it better.
Now that we have seen how Obama
- will deliberately resort to grossly deceptive tactics just to get what he wants,
- how he will publicly say things that he has no intention of doing,
- how quickly he will use his eloquence to portray himself as a principled man, even if he is not,
- how unashamedly he will hide and even forego his faith for political expediency,
- how he will use slogans that appeal to people, without any intention to live up to them,
- how he easily he can disregard his conscience and do what he knows in his heart, is immoral and wrong,
- how easily he will dismiss overwhelming Biblical and scientific evidences, and stubbornly stick to what side will benefit him the most,
- and how he has shown that he has absolutely no regard for human life, in the case of the abortion issue, and will even render the safeguards useless,
Don't you think that we are looking at an incoming President of the world's most powerful country, who is absolutely untrustworthy, unprincipled, a hypocrite of the highest caliber, and without a conscience? With such negative characteristics, while holding the most powerful position, don't you think Obama is indeed a very dangerous man?
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